Saving Energy During Idaho Winters: Tips Big and Small

Idaho is a beautiful, friendly, wild, all-around amazing state, but our winters are not for the faint of heart. For those who brave the snow, our uniquely spectacular winter landscapes and world-class winter sports are plenty reward. However, the last thing any Idahoan needs during the colder months is a freezing house or sky-high power bill. So, consider the following energy-saving and efficiency tips, big and small, from an Idaho solar power setup to the direction of your ceiling fan. After all, action taken now in the late summer can help circumvent issues later in the year.

The Bigger Energy Saving Upgrades

Get an HVAC Service and Update or Upgrade

Perform an audit of your home’s HVAC system, and get it serviced or upgraded where necessary. Keeping your HVAC running smoothly is one of the single most important steps you can take to increase your home’s energy efficiency. If you have an outdated, leaky, or inefficient heating system in your house, saving energy is likely going to be an uphill battle.

Install Solar Power

Along with an HVAC update, investing in a photovoltaic (PV) solar system is one of the best home energy infrastructure choices you can make. The trend toward a more solar Idaho has begun in earnest as we’re actually in a great place for solar—sunny but not too hot. Solar isn’t just for the summer and your panels will continue working in the winter. The advantages of a PV solar system include a lower power bill, lighter carbon footprint, and often an increased home value—it’s a win-win.

Perform an Insulation Overview and Upgrade

Unfortunately, just like many other aspects of home construction, the quality and thoroughness of the insulation can vary. The attic and basement are the most important places for quality insulation, but since we don’t often think about insulation, they aren’t often checked. But if the quality of insulation in major areas of the house is poor, you’re likely wasting a good deal of energy.

The Smaller Energy Saving Tips

Seal the Leaks

Leaks are the biggest of the smaller heat loss contributors. Even a comprehensive HVAC overhaul and a shiny new solar power system may not be enough if all of the heat your furnace produces is seeping out of a leaky house. The biggest heat-leaching offenders are doors and windows, around pipes that lead outside, drafty basements and attics, and anywhere else there might be openings to the elements. It’s a good idea to get someone in to check all of the problem areas and make recommendations.

Replace Air Filters

One of the most common culprits responsible for diminishing the efficiency of an HVAC system, old or new, is an unchanged air filter. It’s easy to forget, can significantly reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of your furnace, and can result in damage through additional system strain. Keep up on all household filter changes. 

Close the Flue

The fireplace can be one of the sneakiest and least-often considered home heat thieves. In the winter, the fireplace should be a source of coziness and warmth when there’s a fire in it. That’s also the only time its flue should be open. Check that flue and make sure it’s shut—but don’t forget to open the flue before lighting a fire in the fireplace.

About EvenGreen Technology

During their nine years serving Idaho, EvenGreen Technology (EGT Solar) has built an unmatched reputation as Idaho’s premier solar energy provider. In fact, they are Idaho’s largest provider of solar energy by installation volume over their business history. EvenGreen Technology’s level of success stems from their commitment to client communication and transparency. That means ensuring that every client is sufficiently educated to make informed choices about their energy strategies. From their home base in Meridian, Idaho, EvenGreen Technology works to build an informed, cleaner, greener, more solar Treasure Valley, more solar Twin Falls, and a more solar Gem State. That commitment has resulted in EvenGreen Technology being placed on the Solar Power World Top 500 Solar Contractor list for four years in a row.

Keep Idaho clean, green, and solar with EvenGreen Technology, at


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