Survey Finds Bipartisan Support for Solar

National survey results released by the firm Global Strategy Group found that a bipartisan majority would like to see more solar investments from their utilities and greater action from government agencies to support solar development.

Specifically, when asked which source respondents would like to see their utility get more electricity from, 76% of registered voters said solar, followed by wind power (71%), natural gas (52%), nuclear (38%), and coal (30%). In other words, a vast majority of voting Americans would like to see their utility company produce electricity from a cleaner source.

The survey was conducted online and included 750 registered voters across the country.

Respondents also had overwhelmingly positive views on solar as a clean energy source and economic engine. Specifically, of the 750 registered voters included in the survey, a large majority either completely agree or somewhat agree that:

· Solar is a clean energy source. (91%)

· Moving to solar would reduce harmful air pollution. (86%)

· Solar is good for the U.S. economy. (81%)

· Moving to solar would help address climate change. (73%)

· Solar can create good-paying jobs. (66%)

Solar is increasingly a bipartisan issue as well. According to the survey results, a majority of people believe that solar power, paired with improved battery storage, could supplant fossil fuels and meet a substantial portion of our country’s electricity needs, including:

· 81% of Democrats

· 77% of Republicans

· 78% of those under the age of 55

· 74% over the age of 55

These results indicate that just as solar continues to gain economic parity with traditional energy sources, public perception is also changing. Solar is no longer simply an environmental initiative; it’s an economic opportunity as well.

But just how much money can you expect to save with a residential solar system? The answer depends on several factors, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), including:

· Your available, unshaded, south-facing roof space.

· Your current energy usage in your home or business. (The more energy you use, the larger system you will need to offset your energy consumption.)

· The net metering policy in your area, which affects the value of the energy you can sell back to the electricity grid.

· Available tax credits, rebates, or other incentives for solar energy.

States like Idaho have made strides in solar develop menton both the residential and commercial side. Idaho offers various tax credits, low-interest loans, and rebates for clean energy installations. Additionally, the state’s three investor-owned utilities also permit solar customers operating 25 kW or smaller systems to participate in net metering.

According to SEIA, Idaho solar companies have so far installed approximately 414 MW of solar, including two large solar farms known as the Grand view PV Solar Two farm and the American Falls Solar I and II farms.

Solar is saving residents money, too. Solar Boise residents and other customers throughout Idaho can save an estimated 50% in savings per kWh on utility costs over 25 years, according to solar panel installation company, EvenGreen Technology. There are also various financing mechanisms to make solar more affordable, including zero money down, flexible lease terms, tax-deductible interest, and various tax credits available to homeowners.

About EvenGreen Technology

Idaho Solar Installation company, EvenGreen Technology (EGT Solar), is Idaho’s largest solar company by installed volume over their eight-year business history. EvenGreen Technology provides an education-first approach to clearly educate clients on what will be a best fit for their needs. Offering a wide array of inverter and battery options allows solar Twin Falls clients and others across Idaho to prepare for future needs and modify the system very seamlessly. EvenGreen Technology is the only Idaho-based solar energy company to make the Solar Power World Top 500 Solar Contractor list in each of the last two years.

For more information, visit


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