Solar Power in Idaho: Challenges and Possibilities

With all of the news in recent months about solar panel tariffs and changes to how Idaho Power charges solar users, people might understandably wonder if solar Boise power is a viable option. Despite any current difficulties or complications, solar power should stay on the rise both in Idaho and across America.

Solar Power in the US

Back in January 2018, President Trump imposed a 30% tariff on imported solar panel components. At the time, some worried that this would cripple the industry. NPR noted that while some domestic manufacturers believed that the tariff would help them compete, workers who focused on solar panel installation felt “that making imported solar components more costly will likely dampen demand for solar panels.”

However, the negative impact of the tariff has apparently not been as great as people feared. In April, Bloomberg contributor Brian Eckhouse reported that new solar industry jobs might actually go up in 2018. Not only that, the number of solar jobs could exceed the all-time high set in 2016. Indeed, Eckhouse’s article notes that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics “has forecast that solar-photovoltaic installer will be the fastest-growing occupation of the decade to 2026, outpacing health care, information technology and other career tracks.”

Idaho Solar Power

Like the US as a whole, Idaho solar power will have its share of challenges in the near future. It has a tremendous amount of potential too.

Currently, no Idaho utilities give customers incentives for going solar. However, homeowners who buy and install a solar power system outright are eligible for the federal tax credit. They can also take advantage of the state’s Residential Alternative Energy Tax Deduction, which lets homeowners write off 40% of their total installation costs for the first year.

In 2009, the Gem State only had about 50 solar installations. After nine years, there are more than 2,800. And given that Idaho’s annual population is expected to grow at triple the national rate, the demand for solar installations should only go up.

Back in March, solar installer Evengreen Technology’s president Bryan Lawley told Solar Power World that Idaho has “some of the fastest rising projected power costs in the country because of the population increase. … [It puts] a lot of backend pressure on Idaho Power to meet that consumer demand and scale up on infrastructure, which is all passed through cost. The faster the utility rates go up, the quicker solar clients’ money is recouped.”

EvenGreen Technology takes pride in helping Idaho homeowners navigate the challenges of going solar. In addition to its advanced, cost-effective PV solar panel systems, the company offers services for financing, onsite evaluations and much more.

About EvenGreen Technology

EvenGreen Technology offers advanced, competitively priced solutions to solar Twin Falls clients and other Idaho residents.

For additional information, visit


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