Idaho Ranks 21st in the Country for Solar Production

Idaho currently ranks 21 st in the country for solar energy production, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). Although Idaho fell several spots from 2017 (Idaho was listed 16 th in the country last year), Idaho solar companies have so far installed approximately 414 MW of solar, and 57,475 homes are currently powered by solar, according to SEIA. SEIA also reports that: Roughly 3.5% of Idaho’s electricity comes from solar. Solar production, manufacturing, and installation has created 654 jobs in Idaho. The state has invested $490.78 million in solar, as of 2018. Idaho is also home to a couple large solar farms. The Grandview PV Solar Two farm generates enough electricity to power 18,000 homes. And the American Falls Solar I and II farms produce enough energy to power 7,000 homes. Solar photovoltaic, or solar PV, is a conversion process where photovoltaic cells capture light photons from sunlight and convert it into electricity. T...