Innovative Solar Power Solutions for Everyday Home Care

From the attic to the basement, there are many ways to introduce effective energy solutions to your home. Solar powered energy is the most energy effective and cost-friendly approach, but is often forgotten when searching for alternatives to traditional power and lighting. Here are a few ways to upgrade your home with solar solutions. Solar Attic Fans Attic ventilation is important to maintaining the integrity and quality of home structure and simultaneously saving energy. Venting your attic lets moisture dissipate and works against mold growth and wood rot. Having continuous air circulation also prevents moisture from entering the space, keeping it cool and dry. Idaho solar attic fans harness free energy from the sun and don’t need any extra wiring or structural changes to your house. Since Idaho summers can get extremely hot during July and August, installing a solar attic fan can reduce temperatures up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Not only great in the summertime, but attic ...